Sarah Noda
Distrito Federal

Sarah Noda is an art director and a production designer for cinema and advertising since 2008, graduated in Radio and TV from UNESP – Bauru. As a producer and art assistant, she participated in feature films such as “Vips”, “Faroeste Caboclo”, “Somos tão Jovens”, “O Outro Lado do Paraíso”, “Uma Loucura de Mulher” and the mini-series for History Channel “Mil Dias – A Saga da Construção de Brasília”. As production designer, Sarah signed the short film “O Véu de Amani”, she had part in the 13 episodes of the series for TV Cultura called “As Crias de Dulcina” and the Christmas telefilm for Rede Globo, “Meio Expediente”. Soon the film “A Cisterna” will debut, the last feature film in which she signs the production design.

Instagram : @artesdesarahnoda
