Dayse Barreto

Production designer from the city of Fortaleza, currently living in São Paulo. She acquired a degree in Cinema and New Media in the University of Fortaleza. In films, Dayse has signed as a production designer for the features “The Yellow Night”,”Cabeça de Nêgo” and “Com os Punhos Cerrados”.

She has also worked as a production designer for two featured projects in the 32nd and 33rd Bienal de São Paulo: “Os Humores Artificiais” by Gabriel Abrantes and “O Ensaio”. Dayse has worked in television as a production designer for the teen comedy “Lana&Carol” and for the television film “O Natal de Rita”. Dayse has worked in the art department of several other feature films such as “Praia do Futuro”, “A Torre”, “A Sombra do Pai”, “O Animal Cordial”, “Elon Não Acredita na Morte Jr.”, among other features.

Instagram: @daysebarrreto
